Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Planes, trains, and automobiles....and feet

 Float planes in Vancouver

 The best tourist idea ever!  Two person electric cars.
You wear headgear with a GPS and as you pass something worth seeing,
 a voice automatically begins to tell you all about it - in San Francisco.

 Cruise ships in the Caribbean

 Subway in Munich

 The cutest little Smart car in Ruit

 Tractor pulling vineyard grapes at harvest time in Stuttgart

 Flying over Pokhara, Nepal

 Gondola on the Grand Canal in Venice

 Motorcycles in Kathmandu

 Train in Flam, Norway

 Pedi-rickshaw in Kathmandu

 The airport shuttle in Jomsom, Nepal

 On foot for the 10.5 km from Jomsom to Kagbeni

 The steep runway in Lukla