Thursday, December 1, 2011

Life at the top of the world - Nepal!

 Yak butter votive candles in Muktinath Temple

 Chili peppers

 Dried peas and beans

 Brass plates, pots and heaters

 Religious puppets


 Near Patan, Nepal

 Vegetable stand

 Making funnel cakes

 Canoes from high above Lake Fewa, Pokhara, Nepal

 Yes, baggage claim at Kathmandu airport!

 One of several thousand loads to be carried up Mt. Everest

 Locals open their homes for trekkers to use their "facilities"

And what those "facilities" usually looked like

 Main Street, Namche Bazaar, Nepal

 Trekkers love their electronics!

NOT your typical trekker!

 THIS is the typical trekker!

 Beauty along the Everest trail

 The local 7-11

 Prayers wrapped in silk inside a temple

Yes, even in Lukla, Nepal!